Popularly known as udyog aadhar registration this registration comes subsequently various benefits. This is a initiative of MSME Department to cater the requirements of the Small And Medium Scale industries which are the major backbone of the Indian economy.
MSME department has employed various Plan for sustain of both manufacturing and support sector. Various subsidies are user-friendly to new and existing entrepreneurs which put stirring to them in overall growth.
SSI/MSME Registration is a pass to various other associated benefits, subsidized increase being just one of it. Government has devised various schemes to encourage Small and Medium Scale Industries accumulate at a faster pace to preserve the Indian economy.
SSI/MSME registration is free of cost and can be completed easily in 30-45 minutes and this registration does not require any renewal or compliance. Amendment in SSI/MSME registration recognize is plus very easy and easy. Government has kept the site user friendly and can be easily accessed by anyone having basic knowledge of computer and internet.
SSI/MSME sanction also prove beneficial in further government licenses and registration. It serves the later than purposes:
- As a registration proof of business
- Mandatory document for NSIC registration
- 50% rebate in trademark application fee
- A true KYC document for account establishment purpose.
Documents Required for SSI/MSME Registration:
- PAN of Business/Owner
- Aadhar of Owner or Authorized representative (with au fait mobile number)
- Bank Account Details of Owner or Business
- Number of Persons employed
- Total Investment in Plant and Machinery
- Name and Address of business
- Work Detail