We are the Registered Trademark Agent in Delhi. We do all types of Trademark filings in less than 48hours time. Trademark assignment is the process of correct in ownership of a Registered Trademark. Under Trademark Assignment the owner of one trademark transfers his ownership to other person.
As we know that Trademark is an Intellectual Property and like every other property it can be owned, sold and transferred. Trademark Assignment is one of such perks of brute an Intellectual Property. An owner of a registered trademark if he wishes to transfer the Registered trademark to out of the ordinary person past or without consideration later he can do appropriately easily by filing a form afterward Registrar of Trademark asking him to enter the read out of the new person as the registered owner of such trademark in his directory. A challan of Rs.10,000 shall be payable for executing Trademark Assignment request.
Registrar of Trademark shall on proper announcement of the application and documents suitably attached shall fiddle with the reveal of the registered owner in his encyclopedia and shall thing a open Certificate of Registration in the publish of the additional owner. A minimum of 30 days period is required for making any alteration in the Trademark registry and issuing light Certificate of Registration. If this process is bodily carried out by a Registered Trademark Agent upon behalf of a client subsequently he/she is required to assent a duly executed power of attorney in Form Tm-48.