Trademark registration in Shastrinagar is a lengthy process, it takes a minimum of 6 months epoch to get a Trademark registered if it is unique in anything respect. In this period of time the application goes through various stages one of which is objection.
When a trademark is below objection its status changes to OBJECTED upon the portal. An breakdown Report is issued online containing details of such objection. An ruckus is a query raised by the department citing the fact that why according to department it is indispensable to not assent registration to the said trademark.
The protest issued upon the trademark is generally below 2 sections; Section 11 – When the trademark/wordmark is thesame to an existing trademark, or Section 9 – When it is not realizable to distinguish between products and services or any prohibited mark is used.
When a trademark status changes to Objected and examination financial credit is issued after that it is vital to file a formal reply with the department within 30days of issuance of examination report otherwise the application shall be considered abandoned.