Trademark registration, Brand Registration, LOGO Registration, Product Registration and various additional names answer to one common talent of Trademark registration. We are the registered Trademark Agents effective in the Intellectual Property Rights Consultancy work. We have the funds for our client timely services suitably as to back them guard their brand and logo from duplicity and un-authorized use. Trademark registration enables owners to easily assert their right to the trademark in court and earn royalties. It plus deters piracy and prevents thesame company names from beast registered by extra businesses. The validity of the trademark is 10 years but can be renewed indefinitely
Depending on product and services offered the total trademark is separated into 45 classes. These classes denotes the product sustain category in which the Trademark is registered. A trademark is an intellectual property which is brute assigned to a word or logo but copyright assures you the guidance for your unique content such as books, music, videos, songs or even software. A search capacity for trademark is nearby online whereby anyone can check whether or not the read out is available. One can with check the status of his application using that link.
Documents Required for Applying Trademark
- PAN and Registration Documents of Business
- PAN and Address proof of Owner/Authorised Person
- Authorisation Letter in lawsuit of Authorised Person
- Any prior use proof alongwith User Affidavit
- Duly executed Power of Attorney in TM-48
- Any other supporting Documents.
- In prosecution of Individual, Sole Proprietorship Concern, StartUp and Small Enterproses – Rs.4500 per application
- In any supplementary cases – Rs. 9000 per application.
A typical trademark application requires a minimum of 6 month time to gain registered. A trademark application passes through various stages in the past getting registered. These are:
- FORMALITY CHECK – If application fails next TM-M is required to be filed in order to process further.
- OBJECTION – File reply within 30 days
- OPPOSED – File counter declaration within 30 days
NOTE: Any query raised adjoining the application is required to be filed within 30 days then again the application shall be considered abandoned.