Drug License and Cosmetic license are a registration certification to be taken to do business related to drugs and cosmetics. Drug license has to be taken by manufacturer, trader, stockist of drugs and medicines. Similarly, a license has to be taken for doing business related to manufacturer, trader, re-packers, re-labellers and stockist of cosmetics. Health Department of state regulates the manufacture, sales and distribution of drugs in the state of Bihar and Jharkhand by implementation of regulation of Drug and Cosmetic acts and rules thereto.
Thus, Drug license has to be taken by:
a. Manufacturer,
b. Wholesalers (Stockists, Re-packers, Re-Labellers)
c. Retailers
What are Eligibility Criteria?
Any individual, proprietorship firm partnership firm, llp or company willing to open a retailer medical store or wholesale medical outlets, has to take drug license from Labour inspector of its jurisdiction. The applicant will have to provide shop or office of appropriate area with own refrigerator.
Documents required for Drug License:
1. Copy of Pan card and Aadhaar card of Proprietor/Partner/Director
2. Two passport Size photographs of Proprietor/Partner/Director
3. Copy of Registration Certificate, Deed, Bye-Laws, MOA, AOA of Firm/Company,
4. Copy of Electricity Bill and Rent Agreement
5. Copy of Work Experience in case of Wholesale Drug License,
6. Copy of Consent letter of Pharmacist in case of Retail Drug License
Validity of Drug License:
1. Wholesale Drug License is valid for 5 years,
2. Retail Drug License is valid for 5 years.
Renewal of Drug license:
An application for renewal of wholesale drug license and retail drug license has to be made before date of expiry of Drug license. After expiry, an application for issue of fresh issue may be made.