Digital Signature in Ranchi Jharkhand is now a days made by various entities at competitive prices, but we at Meerad provide fastest Digital Signature Services in Jharkhand with Digital Signature being issued in less than 45 minutes if the applicant personally visits the office.
Types of Digital Signature
- Class II Digital Signature: Issued in the name of Individual or Organization, these are Only for Signing purposes. These Digital Signature are mainly used for following purposes:
- Company Incorporation
- GST Registration and Return Filing
- Income Tax Usages
Documents required for applying for Class II Digital Signature
1. For Indian Citizen
~ Aadhar/Voter I card/Bank Passbook/Passport
~ 1 Passport Size photograph
~ Mobile Number and Email Id.
2. For Foreign Citizen
A foreigner is required to produce Passport of his country along with a ID proof of his country and an Indian mobile Number. All the documents produced by the Foreigner must be duly notarised and attested by his embassy.
- Class III Digital Signature: These signatures can be issued in the name of Individual or Organization or Both. These digital signatures are generally used for the purpose of applying for government and non-government tender. Class III digital signatures can be used in place of Class II digital signature. Class III digital signature is of following types:
- Individual Only signing
- Individual Combo (Both Signing and Encryption)
- Individual and Organization Combo (Both Signing and Encryption)
Documents required for applying ClassIII Digital Signature:
~ Address Proof
~ 1 Photograph
~ ITR V of previews Financial Year
~ Business Registration Documents (if any)
2. ORGANIZATION (With Individual)
~ PAN of Business
~ Registration/Incorporation Documents of Business
~ ITR V of business
~ Authorisation Letter
~ PAN, Address proof, photograph and mobile number of Authorized person.